I'm now a MPhil/PhD candidate in the faculty of Media, Arts, and Design at the University of Westminster, studying creativity with the prolific Professor David Gauntlett.



Looking for new voices in the field of creativity research? Check out Big Questions in Creativity 2014 from ICSC Press, which I edited with Cynthia Burnett.



Fellow Buffalo State College alumni John Cabra and Diego Uribe wrote a delightful book called TRYCycle about their playful theory of creative behavior. I edited the English-language version.



I've graduated with a master's from The International Center for Studies in Creativity at SUNY-Buffalo State College. My thesis looks at the relationships between fashion design sketching and problem solving.


Students, educators, researchers and all manner of creativity followers belong to The American Psychological Association's Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts (Division 10). I do too.

I also belong to The Academy of Management. As a showcase for management research, the academy offers people who study innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship a chance to connect and exchange ideas.


From the neurological patterns traced in fMRIs to the intricacies of systems theory, creativity research is varied and exciting. I look at the array of recent topics in "What's Next for Creativity?" an essay in the new collection "Big Questions in Creativity."